A picture of real worship

I went to a worship/music conference a couple weeks ago and saw a great picture of true worship.

I was attending a small workshop of some 'unplugged' worship with Scott Wesley Brown, and Billy Smiley (from Whiteheart). Anyway, they were joined by a vocalist, keyboardist, and bass player.

I noticed the bass player being very laid back, playing some very simple bass parts and fully engaging in the worship experience. I thought he was a great picture of a humble worshiper. 

When the time was over Smily introduced the band and it turns out the bass player who was completely in the background was David Ellefson, the long time bass player for MegaDeath. I guess he's a believer now.

I thought it was amazing that this brilliant musician who was the focus of millions of fans for many years was happy to just sit in the background and play a very small role in this great worship experience.


Sarge said…
David's a class act. I'm glad you got to meet/see him. Nice story, thanks you.
Anonymous said…
Obama is for one world government. Javier Solana the head of the EU wrote to Obama about what "WE" are going to do now that "WE' are in charge...UHHH get a clue and do some reading about the EU, The UN organization Called The Alliance of Civilizations (AoC)The AOC plans to put people to death who do not go along with one world religion...it is in writing in their constitution you can read it on line....HAVE A NICE DAY
Anonymous said…
Obama is for one world government. Javier Solana the head of the EU wrote to Obama about what "WE" are going to do now that "WE' are in charge...UHHH get a clue and do some reading about the EU, The UN organization Called The Alliance of Civilizations (AoC)The AOC plans to put people to death who do not go along with one world religion...it is in writing in their constitution you can read it on line....HAVE A NICE DAY
Anonymous said…
Have you read the book, 'Reinventing Jesus Christ' by christian author, Warren Smith? It is free on line: www.reinventingjesuschrist.com
Read through chapter two....what do you think?